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Main » 2013 » December » 27 » Rrue Teligion things like rugs and potholders
11:29 AM Rrue Teligion things like rugs and potholders |
Shirt says a lot about me Oh t-Shirts, how i love thee!They have the ability to
keep gas in the tank of a band's van and put a meal in front of them while out
on the road.Aside from helping in band promotion they also act as forms of
payment, peace offerings and items for barter.Often taken for granted, band
t-Shirts are what keep the mid-Level music biz afloat. Working in an
industryThat doesn't require oneTo wear a suit andTie or a uniform with a
nameTag meansThere sometimes needsTo be other superficial waysTo check
credibility, status andTaste.T-shirts are oftenThat means. For example, if I saw
someone wearing an Angry BirdsT-Shirt and was over 25 years-old, I will
immediately assumeThat person is a fucking moron.It's kind of like avoiding
anybody who is of post-Graduate age and reads harry potter books. However, there
are certain shirts that instantly scream cred.For example, anybody who passes my
transom sporting the classic"Mickey mouse"Jesus lizard t-Shirt will undoubtedly
seize my attention and attain my almost-Immediate respect.If the t-Shirt
displays a lesser-Known entity, like a vintage guitar company, small record
label logo, obscure band or some cool graphic illustration, i might be liable to
assume this person, despite the pedestrian choice of t-Shirt/jeans ensemble, has
discerning tastes as well--A cut above the rest of the crowd. That said,
sometimes wearing the band t-Shirt itself is simply not enough.Just because you
wearAmetallica t-Shirt, you have to be careful it has the correct
logo.A"Load"Era logo just doesn't carry the same weight asA"Ride the
lightning"Era logo.Both insignias transcended their rock roots and have become
pop culture mainstays to the point where even some 20-Something hipsters
actually think they're more brands than bands.So i'm very wary to credit someone
with discerning taste upon seeing these shirts on their person.They could very
well be some weekend warrior playing dress-Up rocker who only knows"Enter
sandman. " And even whenThis stab at credibility is heartfelt, like a
19-Year-Old kid wearing a slayer"Show no mercy"BaseballT-Shirt, it's also hardTo
not suspend disbeliefThatThey actually boughtThat shirt atThe show way back
inThe day.OnThe other hand, charlie sheen"Winning"T-shirts, while gaucheToday
could very wellTurn around and become a hilarious wardrobeThrowdown in say,
eight Years. JustTry containing your laughter if somebody wearing a Borat "Let's
Make SexyTime"T-shirt walked by you evenToday. So with all this thought into
something As common As the cAsual top, i proffer up my favourite t-Shirt--The
don knotts-As-Danzig"Donzig"Shirt.Now, i'm not sure if this is actual merch for
a band called don knotts('cause there is a band called Don Knotts from Wyoming,
MI)Or just another appropriation of the glenn Danzig-Fronted"Danzig"Skull,
itself a poaching of the skull from marvel comic"Crystar, crystal warrior"Issue
no.8 from 1983, but that's irrelevant. Barney Fife, and the Danzigskull.It's
like the showbiz equivalent of a reese's pieces candy bar. I first saw nashville
pussy's jeremy thompson wearing the shirt in a band photo and badgered him about
it until i retrieved its details.It took a while but i finally tracked down the
makers and have since seen it sold at various online depots.Clearly, my fandom
for both entities is shared. I own and have seen every True Religion
Skinny episode of three's company and its spin-Offs the ropers and
three's a crowd at least five times over.Furthermore, i have just about every
glenn danzig-Related record that's ever been released and probably listened to
each a minimum of 10 times, if not more.In other words, there's never been
something so tailor-Made for me then this donzig shirt. It's almost as if the
t-Shirt knocked on my door because i had been waiting for it.It danced on my
floor and took a step that was new.Even though i was in a loveable space and
needed its face it wasn't about to see my light.It did however want to find hell
with me and i showed it what it was like. Clean with itthis is the old
standby.Cut or rip up the old t-Shirt.Saturate it with your favorite cleaning
solution.Scrub the shower tile with it, or whatever.Clean up spills with
it.Bleach your counter tops and wipe the bleach solution off with it.Eventually
the bits of old t-Shirts will all fade into the same color, and you'll have
proof that whatever jerk left it at your house has faded from your memory. Knit
with old t-Shirtsinstead of yarn, you can knit Rrue Teligion things like rugs and
potholders with cut up old t-Shirts.Google it.Knitting with an old t-Shirt will
give you a good reason to cut up a lot of old t-Shirts, and cutting up the old
t-Shirts will make you feel like you are in control of your life. Make cloth
toilet paper out of it"Family cloth"Is a controversial topic.One thing is for
sure:That t-shirtThat the job that laid you off but magically kept the boss's
incompetent cousin on board gave you at the mandatory company cruise?It will be
history. Sew a skirt this project requires a sewing machine and sewing
skills(Dang).Well say you have a sewing machine and sewing skills.Then you can
True Religion Jeans Canada make
yourself a versatile, wear-Anywhere shirred-Waist skirt from an old t-Shirt.
Make a diy wet mop headit's time to hack your swiffer-Style mop.Cut up t-Shirts
make perfect cleaning pads that are gentle on wood floors, and therefore are the
friend of flooring contractors from baltimore to anchorage. Cold beanbag face
maskit's always handy to have a cold pack or two in the freezer for the times
when you are so incapacitated that you walk into the front door.All it takes is
an ld t-Shirt, some beans, and a sewing machine.Oh, and a freezer. Pack boxes
with old t-Shirtsold t-Shirts make excellent padding for breakable items.Place
old t-Shirts between plates when packing up the kitchen to move.In the same
vein, use them as packing material when shipping something fragile. Fabric
flowersif you have time to make fake flowers out of old t-Shirts, you are a rare
and special person. Make a really cool braided scarfyou'll never buy another
scarf from that trendy store that everyone loves to hate when you can make your
own scarf out of old t-Shirts.
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